Selfishness, Generosity, Fairness, and Tootsie Rolls
After a conversation with an adult patient, I used the following exercise to describe generosity and selfishness, but with actual props....
Anti-depressants and Pregnancy: Seems There Is A Change In Its Practice.
It has been a long-standing practice to stop taking anti-depressants while pregnant because of the risk for the developing fetus. The...
What Is The Radiation Risk From So Many CT Scans Being Performed In Such Short Time Frames?
This blog post will be short. It comes on the heels of three of my patients who have participated in more than one Computed Tomography...
Franklin from "Peanuts" and "Good Enough" Parenting: An Observation
The weather at the beach turned out to be beautiful. This was a month ago, and the beach was partially filled with people because of a...
Is There a Relationship Between High Fructose Diets in Infancy and Executive Function Deficits in Ad
While putting together a workshop on executive functions for teachers and parents, I came across studies that examine brain development...