A Challenge with the Placebo Effect in Psychotherapy
The placebo effect is a treatment or ingested substance that the patient or person believes will make him/her well, when in fact the...
Three Obvious Things to Avoid Asking a Family Member
You might think that these are self-evident. Not so much. Here are my Top 3 things to avoid asking a family member for 2018. 1. To...
Dr. Strangedrug (or How I Learned to Spot Medication Effects)
One problem that keeps coming up like Bugs Bunny emerging from a hole away from Albuquerque, feeling perplexed. It's the problem of...
True Professionalism: Fortify Your Insight and Self-Awareness
With everything that has come up because of the #MeToo movement, a problem I see with the male identity is a reluctance or resistance in...
The Need for Better Disclosure of Medication Risks
As with the vast majority of suicides that become known to us, in the days after the initial news was broadcast, the preventable tragedy...